中英对照读新闻》A Potentially Hazardous Cat Puts a Japanese City on Alert 一只有潜在危险性的猫让一座日本城市如临大敌

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    , 文章来源:LTN, 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场

    日本广岛县福山市野村镀金工厂提供的画面,显示野猫闯入该工厂沾染有毒物质六价铬后留下掌印。 (法新社)(photo:LTN)
    日本广岛县福山市野村镀金工厂提供的画面,显示野猫闯入该工厂沾染有毒物质六价铬后留下掌印。 (法新社)(photo:LTN)

    ◎ 张沛元

    The citizens of Fukuyama, Japan, are on watch for a potentially hazardous cat that appears to have fallen into a tank of toxic chemicals at a factory and then escaped, darting across the factory yard and into the city at large.


    Be on the lookout, the citizens of Fukuyama, were warned, for a cat with “abnormalities.”


    A representative from the factory said that paw prints were spotted near the tank by an employee arriving for work Monday morning and that the security video showed the cat fleeing the factory around 9:30 the night before.


    The tank holds hexavalent chromium, a reddish-brown solution widely used in plating that has been shown to cause lung cancer in humans if inhaled.



    dart:名词,飞镖,飞快突然的动作;动词,飞奔,勐冲去。例句:A responsible owner should train his/her dog not to dart outside when the door is open.(负责任的饲主应该训练爱犬不要一开门就往外冲。)

    on the lookout for:片语,密切注意着;费心寻觅着。例句:She is on the lookout for a cheap flight ticket to Tokyo.(她正留心想买一张去东京的便宜机票。)