中英对照读新闻》A slew of Fed officials rejects preemptive rate cuts 许多联准会官员拒绝抢先降息

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    , 文章来源:LTN, 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场



    A slew of Federal Reserve officials emphasized that there is no urgency to lower interest rates, pointing to still-elevated inflation and a robust labor market.


    That included comments from both the Boston Fed’s Susan Collins as well as San Francisco’s Mary Daly. Atlanta’s Raphael Bostic repeated his view for one rate cut toward the end of the year, and Kansas City’s Jeffrey Schmid noted he prefers a “patient” approach to reductions.


    “There’s absolutely, in my mind, no urgency to adjust the policy rate,” Daly said at an event in San Francisco.


    Schmid also said policymakers should wait for “clear and convincing” evidence that inflation is headed back toward 2% before lowering interest rates, rather than adjusting policy preemptively.



    preemptive:抢先的、先发制人的。例句:The Preemptive preparation brings to a successful end.(超前部署带来圆满结果)。

    convincing:令人信服的、有说服力的。例句:The end of the movie wasn’t convincing.(这部电影的结局没有说服力)。