中英对照读新闻》Saturn’s ’Death Star’ moon has a hidden secret - a subsurface ocean土星的「死星」卫星有个不为人知的秘密-地下海洋

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    Saturn’s moon Mimas is known for its uncanny resemblance to the dreaded Death Star in the original "Star Wars" movie. But it has another intriguing distinction as well, according to researchers - a subsurface ocean hidden under its icy and crater-scarred outer shell.


    Mimas becomes the smallest of five moons in our solar system with compelling evidence of subsurface oceans, alongside Saturn’s Enceladus and Titan, and Jupiter’s Europa and Ganymede.


    Mimas is the seventh-largest moon of Saturn, which all told has well over 100 moons ranging from Titan - larger than the planet Mercury - to some only the size of a city block.


    The liquid water inside Mimas represents more than half of this moon’s total volume, though it amounts to just 1.2-1.4% the amount in Earth’s oceans. The fact that the water is in contact with the rocky core of Mimas may facilitate the type of complex chemistry that could pave the way for life, they added.



    uncanny:形容词,神秘的、难以解释的。例句:An uncanny feeling bothers me all the time.(一种难以捉摸的感觉时时刻刻困扰着我)

    intriguing:形容词,有趣的、引起兴趣的。例句:This intriguing result makes scientists very excited.(这个有趣的结果使科学家们感到非常兴奋)