中英对照读新闻》Activists sue US National Park Service over plan to remove Puerto Rico’s famous stray cats活动人士控告美国国家公园管理局移除波多黎各着名流浪猫计画

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    A nonprofit organization said Thursday that it sued the U.S. National Park Service over a plan to remove Puerto Rico’s famous stray cats from a historic district in the U.S. territory.


    The lawsuit filed by Maryland-based Alley Cat Allies comes four months after the federal agency announced it would contract an animal welfare organization to remove an estimated 200 cats that live in an area surrounding a historic seaside fortress in Old San Juan.

    总部位于马里兰州的「街猫盟邦」 提起诉讼的4个月前,该联邦机构宣布将与一间动物福祉组织签约,移走生活在旧圣胡安一座历史悠久海滨堡垒周围地区估计约200只猫。

    At the time, the National Park Service said it would hire a removal agency if the organization it contracted failed to remove the cats within six months.


    Tourists and locals have long considered the cats both a delight and a nuisance.


    Activists have decried the plan, saying six months is insufficient time to remove so many cats and worried they would be killed.



    sue:动词,指控告、提起诉讼。例句:He is suing his wife for divorce.(他正和妻子打官司要求离婚。)

    decry:动词,指斥责、谴责、抨击、诽谤。例句:Human right groups decried the imprisonment of several journalists.(人权团体对几名记者遭到监禁表示谴责。)