中英对照读新闻》A deer broke into a New Jersey elementary school 一只鹿闯进新泽西一所小学

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    ◎ 周虹汶

    A New Jersey elementary school had an unexpected visitor over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend: A deer jumped through a small window and knocked over items in a classroom before fleeing the building.


    A man walking his dog around 10 p.m. on Nov. 25 saw the young deer smash through a window at Cedar Grove Elementary School in Toms River, which is about 60 miles east of Philadelphia. The man notified police, and their subsequent search of the school was recorded by the officers’ bodycams.


    When officers encountered the deer in a stairwell, the animal — who police have nicknamed “Rudolph” — initially charged at them as it ran down a hallway. It then entered a classroom by opening a door that happened to be unlatched and jumped onto a bookshelf, scattering some items — but it didn’t cause any major damage.


    School staffers boarded up the window and cleaned up after the deer’s escape. (AP)



    smash:动词,指打碎、勐撞、击溃、轻松打破速度;名词,指摔碎声、撞击声、车祸、大获成功的歌曲或戏剧。例句:I smashed the 5 kilometres record by over half a minute.(我以快了半分多钟的成绩轻松打破5公里纪录。)

    unlatch:动词,指拉开插栓。例句:How does that door unlatch?(那扇门怎么开?)