中英对照读新闻》When cats can lock doors and raid food, pet-proofing gets extreme 当猫能锁门与劫掠食物时,防宠物招数便走极端

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    ◎ 张沛元

    Cats stir up chaos in the home because they’re natural-born hunters and explorers, say behaviorists who study them. Most of the time, those instincts lead to relatively harmless antics, like occasionally getting stuck in the hamper or knocking over a water glass.


    But some cats blow past that kind of amateur-hour nonsense to really live on the edge — looting for food inside cabinets, munching on toxic plants, scaling fences, and yes, locking and opening doors.


    Their lucky owners say keeping both the animals and their homes safe is something akin to staying one step ahead of a ludicrously agile toddler.



    blow past (someone or something):快速超过;快速突破某门槛或限制;爆越。例句:He chowed down on pizza and blew past the sodium limit for the day.(他大啖披萨,当天钠摄取量快速超标。)

    be/keep/stay one step ahead (of somebody):比某人在某事上早一步,指做好准备或更熟悉;棋高一着。例句:Prevention and control of infectious diseases like COVID-19 and dengue fever must be carried out with the spirit of “one step ahead.”(武汉肺炎与登革热等传染病的防治必须本着「早一步做好准备」的精神。)