中英对照读新闻》Child padlocked in Polish grave reflects ancient supernatural beliefs 被锁在波兰坟墓里的孩子 反映古老的超自然信仰

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    Archaeologists in Poland have uncovered the remains of a 17th-century child padlocked to his grave to stop him rising from the dead.


    The bones of the six- or seven-year-old are the most recent find in a cemetery in the northern village of Pien dating from an era that viewed ghosts, zombies and other supernatural apparitions as more than merely fancy dress options.


    "This is a cemetery for rejected people, who were certainly feared after death, and perhaps also during life...who were suspected of having contacts with unclean forces, people who also behaved differently in some way," said Dariusz Polinski, a researcher on mediaeval burials.


    The child was buried facedown with a triangular iron padlock under its foot, in a probable effort to keep it from sitting up and leaving the grave to feast on the living.(Reuters)



    padlock:名词或动词,挂锁;用挂锁扣上。例句:The deed to the land is hidden in a box which is padlocked.(地契被藏在用挂锁锁上的箱子里。)

    supernatural:形容词,超自然的。例句:She is an atheist and doesn’t believe in supernatural powers.(她是无神论者,不相信超自然力量。)