中英对照读新闻》Man tries to scare off birds, accidentally creates ’magpie god’ 男子试图吓跑小鸟 却意外创造出「喜鹊之神」

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    A new South Wales, Australia, man attempted to keep birds away from his cat’s food with a homemade owl sculpture, but "accidentally made a magpie god."


    Giulio Cuzzilla said he learned that magpies can be deterred with owl sculptures, but he didn’t want to spend a lot of money on one, so he made his own out of paper mache and feathers.


    He said the magpies initially seemed to fear his sculpture, but they eventually started to approach it and engage in behaviors that seemed like "worship."


    "I accidentally made a magpie god," he said.


    Gisela Kaplan, an emeritus professor in animal behavior at the University of New England, said the magpies aren’t actually showing deference to the owl sculpture, they are making territorial calls to try to scare it away.



    deter:动词,威慑、阻止。例句:These military campaigns effectively deter an enemy attack.(这些军事行动有效吓阻敌军攻击。)

    deference:名词,尊敬。例句:He kept his voice low out of deference to the holy place.(出于对圣地的尊敬,他压低声音。)