中英对照读新闻》Escaped kangaroo captured after punching Canadian officer 逃跑的袋鼠在殴打加拿大警察后落网

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    , 文章来源:LTN, 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场



    A kangaroo that escaped its handlers during transport to a new home was captured in the east of Toronto after a weekend in the wild, but not before delivering a punch in the face to one of the police officers who brought her run to an end.


    The female kangaroo hopped over her handlers during a rest stop at the Oshawa Zoo and Fun Farm in Ontario.


    Videos emerged on social media of the marsupial, who was born in captivity, running along roads in Oshawa.


    Officers on patrol spotted the kangaroo on a rural property in northern Oshawa. They contacted the kangaroo’s handlers and grabbed it by the tail, as instructed. The kangaroo punched one of the officers in the face during the capture.


    "It’s something that he and his platoon mates will be remembering for the rest of their careers," said one of the officers.(Reuters)



    hop:动词,(人)单脚跳;(鸟、兽、昆虫)蹦跳。例句:The rabit hopped along the road markings.(这只兔子沿着道路标线跳动。)

    handler:名词,驯兽师;搬运工。例句:Jim works as an airport baggage handler.(吉姆是机场行李搬运工。)