中英对照读新闻》Uber Eats debuts delivery robots in Tokyo amid labor shortage Uber Eats送餐机器人在劳力短缺之际于东京初登场

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    , 文章来源:LTN, 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场

    1具日本Uber Eats送餐机器人在东京市中心送餐时,走斑马线过马路。(法新社)(photo:LTN)
    1具日本Uber Eats送餐机器人在东京市中心送餐时,走斑马线过马路。(法新社)(photo:LTN)


    Little green robots could be spotted trundling down the streets of Tokyo’s Nihonbashi district on March 6, their first day at work delivering meals for Uber Eats Japan Inc.

    3月6日是绿色小机器人上工为日本Uber Eats送餐的首日,可以看到它们在东京日本桥一带沿街缓慢前行的身影。

    The company plans to expand the use of these self-driving robots to more areas facing delivery staff shortages.


    “We expect this robot could be one solution to complement human delivery,” a company official said, touching on the so-called “2024 problem,” which anticipates labor shortages in the logistics industry.


    Japan is the second country in which Uber Eats has rolled out the robot delivery service, following the United States.

    日本是继美国之后,Uber Eats第2个推出机器人送餐服务的国家。


    trundle:动词,缓慢移动,(沉重、艰难地)移动。例句:The luxury sleeper train will trundle through some of Italy’s most spectacular landscapes, including that of Tuscany.(这列豪华卧舖列车将穿过若干壮丽的义大利景观,包括托斯卡尼。)

    complement:动词,补充,使完善,使增色。例句:The question remains whether a new trade route in the region would complement China’s BRI or compete with it.(问题仍在于,该区的1条新贸易路线,究竟是为中国的「一带一路」增色,还是与之互别苗头。)

    roll out:推出(新产品、服务等);实行(新制度);开展。