中英对照读新闻》Dog DNA detectives trace owners not scooping the poop in Italian province 义大利一省检测狗狗DNA 追踪没有铲屎的主人

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    , 文章来源:LTN, 新闻取自各大新闻媒体,新闻内容并不代表本网立场



    An Italian province is turning to DNA tests to tackle the scourge of dog mess on the streets.


    Once a dog DNA registration database is up and running, street cleaners and health officials in Bolzano will be able to collect abandoned poop, have it genetically tested and then trace the owners who will face fines of 50 to 500 euros.


    The provincial government covering Bolzano city and surrounding towns in the picturesque Dolomites region is creating the database for the almost 40,000 dogs in the area. About 10,000 have already been registered.


    Bolzano receives a few hundred complaints a year from citizens about improper management of public land. More than half are for dogs.


    DNA registration will become compulsory from around late March. Owners will be expected to have blood tests for their dogs, in municipal dog shelters or vet clinics.



    scoop:动词或名词,舀、铲;勺子、铲子。例句:Jimmy scoops the cat litter every day.(吉米每天都会铲猫砂。)

    scourge:名词,祸害。例句:False information has been the greatest scourge of the social media platforms.(假讯息一直是数位媒体平台的最大祸害。)