中英对照读新闻》Kabosu, the face of cryptocurrency Dogecoin, dies at 18加密货币「狗狗币」的表情原型Kabosu辞世,享年18岁

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    Kabosu, the Japanese dog that became a global meme and the face of alternative cryptocurrency Dogecoin has died at 18, her owner announced.


    "She quietly passed away as if asleep," Atsuko Sato wrote on her blog, thanking the fans of her shiba inu called Kabosu - the face of the "Doge" meme.


    In 2010, two years after adopting Kabosu from a puppy mill where she would otherwise have been put down, Sato took a picture of her pet crossing her paws on the sofa.


    She posted that image on her blog, from where it spread to online forum Reddit and became a meme that bounced from college bedrooms to office e-mail chains.


    The picture also later inspired Dogecoin, which was started as a joke by two software engineers and is now the eighth-most valuable cryptocurrency with a market capitalisation of $23 billion.



    meme:迷因(在网路上爆红的事物)。例句:The image quickly became a meme.(这个图像很快成为哏图。)

    put down:(动物)安乐死、贬低。例句:Why did you have to put me down in front of everybody?(为什么你一定要在大家面前贬低我?)