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    今年10月25日是联合国大会第2758号决议通过满50年,近日美国国务院亚太副助卿华特斯(Rick Waters)曾借参加华府智库会议,公开批评中国滥用(misuse)2758号决议,将台湾排除在联合国体系之外,阻挡了国际社会获得台湾可以提供的贡献。之后多位美国国会重量级议员也发表声明,指控北京长年曲解2758号决议。联合国2758号决议是1971年10月25日所达成,协议决定让中华人民共和国取代中华民国在联合国拥有的席位。中国把2758号决议当作是认可「一个中国」原则,并且当作是国际法准则在执行,但实际上2758号决议完全没有涉及台湾参与联合国的议题。


    Taiwan has become a democratic success story.  Its model supports transparency, respect for human rights, and the rule of law – values that align with those of the United Nations (UN).  Taiwan is critical to the global high-tech economy and a hub of travel, culture, and education.  We are among the many UN member states who view Taiwan as a valued partner and trusted friend.

    As the international community faces an unprecedented number of complex and global issues, it is critical for all stakeholders to help address these problems.  This includes the 24 million people who live in Taiwan.  Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the UN system is not a political issue, but a pragmatic one.

    The fact that Taiwan participated robustly in certain UN specialized agencies for the vast majority of the past 50 years is evidence of the value the international community places in Taiwan’s contributions.  Recently, however, Taiwan has not been permitted to contribute to UN efforts.  Despite the tens of millions of passengers traveling annually through its airports, Taiwan was not represented at the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) triennial assembly.  Although we have much to learn from Taiwan’s world-class response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Taiwan was not at the World Health Assembly.  Members of civil society from around the world engage every day in activities at the UN, but Taiwan’s scientists, technical experts, business persons, artists, educators, students, human rights advocates, and others are blocked from entry and participating in these activities simply because of the passports they hold.

    Taiwan’s exclusion undermines the important work of the UN and its related bodies, all of which stand to benefit greatly from its contributions.  We need to harness the contributions of all stakeholders toward solving our shared challenges.  That is why we encourage all UN Member States to join us in supporting Taiwan’s robust, meaningful participation throughout the UN system and in the international community, consistent with our “one China” policy, which is guided by the Taiwan Relations Act, the three Joint Communiques, and the Six Assurances.