中英对照读新闻》In this centuries-old English pancake race, ‘you just have to go flat out’在这场有着数百年历史的英国煎饼赛中,「你只需要全力以赴」

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    Women in matching checkered aprons, headscarves and a rainbow of running shoes limbered up Tuesday as they prepared for the centuries-old pancake race in this English country town.


    They rolled their shoulders in unison, raised up on their toes and did squats before stepping to the starting line — frying pans in hand.


    At the word “Go” they sprinted through the streets, trying not to drop their pancakes as they roughly traced the path taken by a harried housewife in 1445, who legend has it heard the church bells signaling the Shrove Tuesday service and raced off with her skillet.


    “It’s a horrible distance,” said Kaisa Larkas, 44, a mother of four who legged it past Eloise Kramer to capture the Olney title with a time of 63.37 seconds. “You just have to go flat out and then hope that you’re not gonna fall over. … But it’s good fun.”



    flat out:片语动词,指全速、全力以赴。例句:His car only does about 60 mph, even when it’s going flat out.(他的车即使全速行驶,也只能跑到每小时60英里左右。)

    limber up:片语动词,指运动前做伸展运动、做准备活动。例句:Those substitutes are beginning to limber up on the sidelines.(那些替补队员开始在场边做准备。)